An online platform to promote emotional wellness for students in fourth through eighth grades.

Helping children develop into emotionally healthy young adults

Seeking to fill a void in the school-based behavioral health student support system space from other comparable programs by providing an intelligent system that students in grades 4-8 can use inside and outside of the classroom that is personalized to their needs. VIBES will not only support the growth and development of students in grades 4-8, but also serve as a great resource for parents, educators, counselors and the like to support students’ overall well-being.

Every year, 12.5 million children across the United States are enrolled in middle school (grades 4-8). These years demand new social skills in a larger and more complicated environment with an increased possibility of peer conflicts. VIBES will provide engaging content for adolescents to learn how to manage their emotions as well as be more socially adaptable among their peers.


Empathy and emotional self-awareness are crucial for student success


A need for coordinated behavioral health support across students' support systems


Data-driven insights allow for targeted, proactive student support

With the VIBES platform, we are building a tool to help young people engage in flexible, scalable, and culturally-relevant development and growth.